Information for Oral and Poster Presenters
Final paper submission
After acceptance of their paper for oral presentation, poster, or data workshop, authors are invited to provide a final proceedings paper addressing the comments of the reviewers (comments are available on the paper submission web site RADOCS. The format of the final paper is the standard IEEE Transactions format. Guidelines for preparing the paper are provided in Template. Authors shall post their final papers by September 18th, 2023 on the RADOCS web site. Papers will be published in the conference proceedings that will be made available electronically to all conference attendees. They will also be available on IEEE Xplore.
All papers, except data workshop papers, are eligible for submission to IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Sciences. They will be subjected to the normal IEEE TNS peer review process. To submit your RADECS paper for possible publication in TNS, you must upload your paper at the TNS Manuscript Central web site before September 29th, 2023. If your submission is accepted, it will be published in a RADECS 2023 special issue of TNS and it will be removed from RADECS Proceedings to avoid duplication (RADECS Proceeding will be published after TNS RADECS 2023 special issue).
Oral Presentations
Authors of accepted oral papers shall prepare a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint in wide screen format (16:9).
There is no template, so feel free to use your own, but you are kindly asked to include the conference logo in all the pages (see below). Make sure the text is clearly readable and graphs are complete with all the necessary labels.
The time allocated for each presentation is 12 minutes followed by 3 minutes of questions. A good pace is one slide per minute, so you should have about 12 slides.
The session chairs will contact the authors before the session to schedule a brief meeting at the presentation stage. This will be an opportunity to review procedures and equipment for the talk. The meeting schedule for each of the RADECS 2023 session will be indicated in this webpage at least one week before the conference’s start.
The presentation (accepted formats ppt, pptx, pdf) needs to be uploaded by September 18th, 2023 using RADOCS.
If you need further information please contact our Audio/Video Chair, Arnaud Dufour.
Poster Presentations
Authors of accepted poster papers in the technical sessions or data workshop shall print a poster and bring it to the conference.
The useable area is A0 format in portrait orientation (height: 1189 mm, width: 841 mm). There is no template, so feel free to use your own, but you are kindly asked to include the conference logo (see below) and a photo of presenting author. Make sure the text is clearly readable and graphs are complete with all the necessary labels.
Posters must be mounted to the poster board with stickers/double sided tape (pushpins are not allowed). Stickers will be provided at the conference in the poster area.
Posters shall be assembled by 12:00 noon on Tuesday and left in place at least until the end of the data workshop session (Thursday 04:00 pm). They must be removed by Friday 12:00 am.
An image of the poster (accepted formats png or jpg) needs to be uploaded by September 18th, 2023 using RADOCS!
If you need further information please contact our Poster Chairs, Michael Trinczek or Christian Poivey.
Please note that this year a special award will be offered for the best poster presentation. As for the oral presentations, the discussion with the authors during the poster session will be considered for the best poster award. For further information, please contact our award Chairs, Laurent Artola or Ygor Aguiar.
Deadlines for Authors
Slides or poster upload: September 18th, 2023
Submission of final papers for proceedings: September 18th, 2023
Submission for the RADECS 2023 special issue of the IEEE TNS: September 29th, 2023