Student Special Events
The RADECS2023 conference is voluntary oriented toward students and young professionals. With the support of the local IEEE Student Branch, we have imagined various events, all along the week, that aim to make their entry in the RADECS community easier.
Book of Opportunities
As a common initiative of the RADECS2023 organizing committee, the ISAE SUPAERO IEEE Student Branch proposes to every attendee of the conference (researchers and industrial exhibitors) to submit job opportunities that can be shared during the conference. This includes internships, PhD positions, post-PhD positions and permanent/full positions. Our objective is to gather and share these opportunities with attendees and create in-person exchanges at the Student Branch booth throughout the conference. Please use the following link if you wish to share any job opportunities (names and e-mails will be removed for GDPR reasons):
Student Special Day
This is a unique feature of this year’s RADECS edition. About 40 students from Toulouse engineering schools (INSA, Univ. Paul Sabatier, ISAE, ENSEEIHT, IPSA, ENAC) and RADMEP are invited to join the conference on Wednesday the 27th of September. They will attend both an oral and a poster session, an invited talk as well as the “Women in Engineering” round table, making it a unique opportunity for them to discover the scientific community through the environment of an international conference. Moreover, a dedicated space will be allocated during lunchtime for networking and creative interactions. This is fully sponsored by the IEEE Student Branch.